Case study: EP Petroecuador

Using Mist to identify methane emissions, OGMP 2.0 reporting, and plan for mitigation.
"Mist's interface is intuitive and easy to use, which has facilitated the data entry and analysis process. This has allowed us to quickly obtain an accurate estimate of the amount of methane present in our operations, as well as identify areas of potential improvement and mitigation opportunities." - Mist user and point of contact at EP Petroecuador

Company and country overview

EP Petroecuador is a national oil company located in Ecuador with several on- and offshore production facilities in up-, mid-, and downstream. Both the country and the company are taking an active stance on managing their methane emissions and have joined several emissions reduction initiatives:

  • Zero routine flaring by 2030 initiative. 1
  • Global Methane Pledge, 30% emissions reduction emissions by 2030. 2
  • OGMP2.0 reporting and mitigation programme. 3

Mist deployment and training

Mist is used as a tool that enables Petroecuador to identify and quantify their sources of methane emissions as well as to provide actionable insights on how to mitigate them. It also enhances their understanding of the environmental and economic benefits of methane mitigation.

As a result, the company will be able to improve their environmental performance, but to also unlock significant cost savings opportunities.

To support the company in their methane journey, a number of key personnel participated in an in-depth workshop covering topics such as OGMP 2.0 reporting, data collection, inventory building, and Mist software training.

Key results

EP Petroecuador have joined forces with Carbon Limits to deploy Mist for their assets, fulfill OGMP2.0 reporting requirements, receive training on methane management, and develop a plan to reach their inventory and emissions reduction goals.

The pilot deployment phase was successfully completed in 2023 and the project is already in its scaleup phase, aiming to cover all assets at Level 3 (source-level emission factors) for their 2024 OGMP reporting.

What users are saying about Mist

This testimonial is from one of the superusers of the tool, who participated in the in-depth workshop and who is one of our points of contact at EP Petroecuador.

"During my experience using Mist, the methane inventory software tool developed by Carbon Limits, I have found that cross-departmental collaboration in the collection of data to complete the inventory has been critical. Working together has allowed us to more effectively address the various aspects of the process, thus ensuring the integrity of the data collected.

In addition, the software interface is intuitive and easy to use, which has facilitated the data entry and analysis process. This has allowed us to quickly obtain an accurate estimate of the amount of methane present in our operations, as well as identify areas of potential improvement and mitigation opportunities

One of the most outstanding advantages of the software is its ability to generate detailed reports that meet the requirements for generating reports that will serve as part of the OGMP report. This functionality has enabled us to meet our reporting obligations in an efficient and timely manner, which has strengthened our credibility and commitment to environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, the methane inventory software has not only simplified our data collection and analysis process but has also improved our ability to identify and address the environmental impacts of our operations effectively." 

Mist user and point of contact at EP Petroecuador

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4. Thumbnail image source: EP Petroecuador LinkedIn

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